A complete e-photo album in a hundred lines of php code

versione italiana

ImgTree is based only on three files:

Every folder of the folder tree must contain the three files. Clearly index.php and style.php should be simply linked:

|-- data.php
|-- index.php
|-- style.css
|-- Section-A
|   |-- data.php
|   |-- index.php -> ../index.php
|   |-- style.css -> ../style.css
|   |-- 01-thumb.jpg
|   |-- 01.jpg
|   |-- 02-thumb.jpg
|   |-- 02.jpg
|   `-- ...
`-- Section-B
    |-- data.php
    |-- index.php -> ../index.php
    |-- style.css -> ../style.css
    |-- 00.jpg
    |-- Subsection-B1
    |   |-- data.php
    |   |-- index.php -> ../index.php
    |   `-- style.css -> ../style.css
    |   |-- cover.jpg
    `-- Subsection-B2
        |-- data.php
        |-- index.php -> ../index.php
        |-- style.css -> ../style.css
        |-- 01-thumb.jpg
        |-- 01.jpg
        |-- 02-thumb.jpg
        |-- 02.jpg
        `-- ...	

Every folder act as a section and the behaviour can be choose between:

The file data.php contin the settings specific for every section:

NEEDS a web server (Apache or similar) with PHP support

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