Copyright (C) 2006 Matteo Lucarelli
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/* Fl_Synoptic is a widget to realize a synoptical panel
* Date: 19/07/2006
* Author: Matteo Lucarelli
* // to add to a fltk window (here wMain)
* Fl_Synoptic* syn=new Fl_Synoptic(x,y,w,h);
* wMain->add(syn);
* // to make it the resizable widget
* wMain->resizable(syn);
* All coordinates are from upper left corner
* of the synPanel in down-right direction
* Items are draw from the first to the last
* then the last is on top of the view
// NEED: `fltk-config --ldflags --use-images`
// NEED: dynaList class
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Shared_Image.H>
#include "dynaList.h"
// defines for items type
#define FLS_POINT 0 // p(x1,y1)
#define FLS_LINE 1 // p1(x1,y1)-p2(x2,y2)
#define FLS_RECT 2 // center(x1,y1) width=x2 height=y2
#define FLS_TRIANGLE 3 // p1(x1,y1)-p2(x2,y2)-p3(x3,y3)
#define FLS_QUAD 4 // p1(x1,y1)-p2(x2,y2)-p3(x3,y3)-p4(x4,y4)
#define FLS_ELLIPSE 5 // center(x1,y1) h-axe=x2 v-axe=y2
#define FLS_IMAGE 10 // p1(x1,y1) is the top-left.
#define FLS_TEXT 11 // center(x1,y1) width=x2 height=y2, face=x3, dim=x4
// to catch mouse DOWN define a global function:
// void MouseCb(int ID,const void* pClient)
// and pass MouseCb to the constructor
// MouseCb is called only for PUSH on a identified ID
typedef void flsMouse_cb(int ID,const void* pClient);
class Fl_Synoptic : public Fl_Box
// Fl_Synptic inherited all metods from Fl_Box
Fl_Synoptic(int x,int y,int w,int h,flsMouse_cb *mouseCb=NULL,const void* pClient=NULL);
virtual ~Fl_Synoptic();
// color uses the fltk enumeration
void setBgColor(Fl_Color col);
// offset is from upper-left corner
// in upper (y) left (x) direction
void setBgOffset(int x,int y);
// load an image file as backgroud
bool loadBackground(const char* file,int xOffset=0,int yOffset=0);
// add a new graphic item
// for images and text use the dedicated function
// returned value is the item ID
// not all the items types needs all the coordinates
int addItem(
int type, // type of item (rect,point,ecc)
Fl_Color fcolor, // fill color, -1 means don't fill)
Fl_Color bcolor, // border color, -1 means no border)
int lineWidth, // in pixel, for border or FLS_LINE
int lineStyle, // fltk styles, for border or FLS_LINE
bool visible, // start visible or hidden
int x1, // x position or P1
int y1, // y position or P1
int x2=-1, // width or P2
int y2=-1, // height or P2
int x3=-1, // P3
int y3=-1, // P3
int x4=-1, // P4
int y4=-1 // P4
// returned value is the item ID
// width and height are used to resize (both 0 means no resize)
// rotate clockwise 0:0°,1:45°,2:90°,3:135°,4:180°,5:225°,6:270°,7:315°
int addImage(const char* file,int x,int y,bool visible=true,int rotate=0,int width=0,int height=0);
// add another instance of a yet-loaded image (ID)
// no more RAM is required
int addImageCopy(int ID,int x,int y,bool visible=true);
// returned value is the item ID
// text can use the fltk symbols (@-nxxx)
// string is limited to 1024 caracters
int addText(const char* text,int x,int y,int face=FL_COURIER,int size=10,
Fl_Color color=FL_BLACK, // font color
Fl_Color lcolor=(Fl_Color)-1, // label color (-1 is no label)
int lw=-1,int lh=-1, // the box dim (-1 is auto)
bool visible=true);
// WARNING: this changes all the following ID
bool delItem(int ID);
// -1 means don't modify
bool moveItem(int ID,int x1,int y1=-1,int x2=-1,int y2=-1,int x3=-1,int y3=-1,int x4=-1,int y4=-1);
bool setItemVisible(int ID,bool visible); // true/false
bool setItemFillColor(int ID,Fl_Color fcolor); // (Fl_Color)-1-1 = transparent, else use fltk style
bool setItemBorderColor(int ID,Fl_Color bcolor); // (Fl_Color)-1-1 = transparent, else use fltk style
bool setItemLineWidth(int ID,int lineWidth); // 0 is the thinest (still visible)
bool setItemLineStyle(int ID,int lineStyle); // fltk defined styles
bool getItemVisible(int ID);
// group are used to change property whith "one shot"
// items between beginGroup and endGroup are grouped
bool setGroupVisible(int ID,bool visible);
bool setGroupFillColor(int ID,Fl_Color fcolor);
bool setGroupBorderColor(int ID,Fl_Color bcolor);
bool setGroupLineWidth(int ID,int lineWidth);
bool setGroupLineStyle(int ID,int lineStyle);
// both beginGroup and evndGroup returns the group ID
// call this to begin a group
int beginGroup();
// call this to end a group
int endGroup();
// return the ID of the item in x,y - 0 means "no items"
int getItem(int x,int y);
// move the object one place to
// the bottom of the list (top view)
// WARNING: this changes all the following ID
bool moveFront(int ID);
// move the object one place to the top of the list
// WARNING: this changes all the following ID
bool moveBack(int ID);
void controlGroup(int ID);
// a small function to rotate images
Fl_Shared_Image *rotate_image(Fl_Shared_Image *img,int mode);
flsMouse_cb *m_MouseCb;
const void* m_pClient;
void draw();
int handle(int event) ;
// the background image
//Fl_Shared_Image *m_Img;
Fl_Image *m_Img;
// the background offset
int m_xOffset;
int m_yOffset;
// the background color
Fl_Color m_bgColor;
// the list item structure
struct item{
bool visible;
int type;
Fl_Color fcolor;
Fl_Color bcolor;
int lineWidth;
int lineStyle;
Fl_Image *image;
char* text;
int x1;
int y1;
int x2;
int y2;
int x3;
int y3;
int x4;
int y4;
// the group item structure
struct group{
int first;
int last;
dynaList itemList;
dynaList groupList;
struct group *m_currGroup;
#endif // !defined(FL_SYNOPTIC_H_INCLUDED)