In my ideal word of work

In my ideal w.o.w. everything is clearly defined from the start. From the start it is clear what must be done, what are the deadlines, the payments, and the acceptance testing.

In my ideal w.o.w. everyone can evaluate the limits of its own skills and admits his incompetence with courage and clarity.

In my ideal w.o.w. no working meetings last longer than what is strictly necessary.

In my ideal w.o.w. there are plenty of communication devices to choose from, so WTF I should do 2 hour of commute to share some informations?

In my ideal w.o.w. the developer can work where and when he wants, as long as he respect the schedule.

In my ideal w.o.w. the customer is able to appreciate the quality and knows that you get what you pay for.

In my ideal w.o.w. information technology makes a life better and does not create new problems.

In my ideal w.o.w. the new version is better then the old one.

In my ideal w.o.w. the code is open source.

In my ideal w.o.w. no one has its own little secrets to defend but knowledge to share.

In my ideal w.o.w. nobody answer "RTFM" when TFM is a mess of 500 badly written pages.

In my ideal w.o.w. obfuscated code is just a game and programmers who do not indents the code will be tarred and feathered.

In my ideal w.o.w. so many things comes before the work, but work keeps them all together.

Written for software engineers community at
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