PgmReloaded - short instructions In "doc" directory there's the original pgmarket manual - read it *** REQUIREMENT You'll need a web server (like apache) with PHP module and a db sever (MySQL or PostgreSQL) read your system specific instructions to install and start such servers pgmReloaded DOES NOT WORKS standalone (needs a web server) For on-the-fly thumbs creation you need ImageMagick or PHP/libgd or netpbm+libjpeg *** PHP NOTE In your php.ini file must be: file_uploads=On session.auto_start=0 *** QUICK INSTALLATION All the content of tar.gz have to be copied to the root of your web server (/var/www/) or in a position where the web server can find it (and probably you'll want to change the directory name "pgmreloaded-x.x" with something like "") Now it's time to create the database (for the specific commands refers to your db/distro documentation!) - Create a new schema in your database named "pgmreloaded" - Create a new user in your database named "pgmreloaded" and assign to him the privilege on pgmreloaded - Insert in your db the drop.1.sql (contains the "pgmreloaded" empty database) with mysql (assuming "pgmreloaded" as password): mysql -u pgmreloaded -ppgmreloaded < dump_1.sql *** INITIAL SETUP In pgm/ nd set-up all as you need (I hope the file is self-explanatory) Surely you'll need to change: * wwwroot is the the URL of the shop, without the domain name * dirroot is the directory path of the shop on the file system * dbms must be set o the db you use In pgm/lib/phplib/ (or pgm/lib/phplib/ modify: * name/IP of the DB server * name of your database * username and password to connect to the database (if you have choose "pgmreloaded" for dbname/user/password that's not necessary) Now insert in your browser "http://localhost/pgmreloaded-x.x" and enjoy the starting administrator is name=root password=password To insert normal user leave empty the privilege field To insert agent or administrator write "agent" or "admin" Don't forget to set a unique string for the var $session_name in this is required to have more than a pgmReloaded installation on the same domain but is unuseful with PHP version < 4.1 (in this case multiple installation are not tested to work correctly) *** CUSTOMIZATION In pgm/styles there are the style sheets, almost all of the shop should be customizable using CSS In "images" dir there is the main logo. The directory pgm/images should not be used for custom images Static pages surely to customize are: * index.html (first page) * pgm/templates/xx/index.ihtml (first page in the shop) * pgm/templates/xx/contacts.ihtml (contacts page) * pgm/admin/templates/xx/index.ihtml (administrators first page, can be used for short instructions) Laste tree are one for each language (xx="it":"en") *** SOME WORD MORE All the HTML is in the "templates" subdirs (template,shopping/template,user/template,admin/template) All the ihtml files are pure HTML template, whith some optional blocks and some variable fields Every ihtml file is loaded and parsed by a corresponding php file "locale/xx" (where xx is "it" or "en") contains all the language strings used. If you want to customize a word or a phrase, that is in a dinamic page, go there. "admin" ‏dir contains all the pages reserved to administrators "shopping" dir contains all the pages strictly needed to browse the catalog "users" dir contains the pages reserved to logged users "var" contains the growing matherial as images for the catalog, for the news, the downloads, ecc "lib" containd the common php and javascript files The file pgm/header.php (and the corresponding pgm/template/header.ihtml) is used by all the pgm pages and contains the only HTML header and all the menus The tree menu is refreshed when categories changes. If something doesn't works whith it simply go in the categories list and "save changes" on a category.